Day One

How to Make Beautiful Exotic Bird of Paradise d3

Instructor: Albena Petrova

Class times: 10:00 am-12:00 pm, Class Cost: $

Unusual, gorgeous, tropical. If you’ve ever mistaken a plant for a bird, or vice versa, you may have encountered a Bird of Paradise plant.

During the demo attendees will have the chance to take a closer look and learn something different:
– how by using simple tools and techniques they could recreate this natural wonder out of sugar
– how to cut and refine the petals
– how to color them so to bring them to life
– how to assemble the different elements and to complete the flower

Register now!

Day Two

How to Make Beautiful Exotic Bird of Paradise

Instructor: Alexandria Murray

Class times: 9:00 am-10:00 am, Class Cost: $

Unusual, gorgeous, tropical. If you’ve ever mistaken a plant for a bird, or vice versa, you may have encountered a Bird of Paradise plant.

During the demo attendees will have the chance to take a closer look and learn something different:
– how by using simple tools and techniques they could recreate this natural wonder out of sugar
– how to cut and refine the petals
– how to color them so to bring them to life
– how to assemble the different elements and to complete the flower

Register now!

Landing V2


Landing V2

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Instructor's name:

Class Description: